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Return related Questions

Can I return my order?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to return your order. Each order is unique and made completely from scratch. For that reason, we can not return any orders already delivered.

However, if your product is damaged upon arrival, you can return it.

What is your return policy?

Here are some details from our terms and conditions concerning returns:

“We do not offer returns. However, if you're unhappy with your order and feel like we didn't do a great job, please contact us and we'll do our best to rectify the situation. Should we, in our sole discretion, decide to replace any Products or to refund or credit to you any amounts paid for an Order, that replacement, refund, or credit shall constitute our entire, sole and exclusive liability, and your sole and exclusive remedy, with respect to that order. If We agree to refund any amounts to You, then You hereby understand and agree that such refund shall be refunded by means of how the original payment by You was made. In case of orders placed by You using a line of credit, any refunds will first be settled against any outstanding credit and then, with respect to any remainder that is due and owing to You, such remaining amount shall be refunded by means of how the original payment was made.”.

Product related Questions
Order related Questions
Tax exemption
Pricing related Questions
Shipping related Questions
Return related Questions
Payment related Questions
Design related Questions


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