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Design related Questions

Which color option can I use in the design tool?

We print in CMYK and that’s also the color options in the design tool.

Sizing and dimensions

We have several sizes and dimensions on all our products. Ready for use. Those sizes and dimensions differ depending on the type of product you are interested in. But, and this is a big but. You can always request a quote on any size or dimension that you want. We are most likely able to produce it for you. So, let us know right here.

Can I upload a design to the design tool?

Yes, you can! We actually love it when you guys do that. Designing from scratch in the 3D tool works very good too.

What can I design in the design tool?

All boxes, stickers and cards. You can add any color, text or image on all exterior and surfaces. Want to color the inside of the box as well? No problem, our design tool can handle it.

Can I use templates for my designs?

Yes. Use one of our carefully curated themes and then add any text, logo or image you desire.

Can I see a final draft of my design?

Yes, our 3D-tool makes it easy for you to review all sides of your final draft design before closing the deal.

Which file format can I use?

We strongly recommend that you upload your file in illustrator or in pdf format.

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Design related Questions


Vi arbetar hårt för att göra det enkelt att skapa snygga anpassade förpackningar på mobila enheter. Men fram till dess kanske du föredrar en större skärm.

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Lämna oss din e-post så skickar vi en designlänk direkt till din inkorg.

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Classic Product Box